Better and safer work

Occupational safety

Developing occupational safety saves money and improves the operational capacity of the organisation, in both normal and exceptional times. Make necessity a productive virtue, meet legal requirements and incorporate the development of safety into the work of the entire organisation.

Towards better occupational safety in a standard way

With Granite’s occupational safety development tools, you can get the risks of work in order, regardless of the industry. Implement the best principles at all levels of the organisation, gather important information about incidents and safety observations, while the overview of occupational safety is automatically built for reporting purposes. Put theory into action and involve the personnel in the development of occupational safety.

Granite's tools for occupational safety

Focus on the development of occupational safety, collect near miss reports, identify safety bottlenecks and allocate resources to corrective actions wisely.


Create a Whistleblower Directive-compliant reporting channel, receive and process notifications in a compliant manner​

Work Hazard and Risk Assessment​

Identify, assess and manage work risk factors and hazards according to the model of the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health.

Safety Observations

Empower your entire organisation to monitor security threats. Receive safety findings and near-miss notifications, evaluate and define corrective measures.​​

Machine Risk Assesment

Locate and survey the risks of work machinery, assess and define corrective actions quickly and verifiably.​

Accident Reports

Create a channel for accident reporting and processing. Collect information about accidents and their handling, and locate the most critical safety development areas.​

Data breaches

A tool for processing and documenting personal data breaches in accordance with the GDPR.​

Ready for more?

Book a demo call with our experts. We can do a short demo, setup a free trial and discuss about your specific needs.