Strategic Risk and Opportunity Management

If you don’t control the risks, they will control you. Decision-making without up-to-date risk data is a game of lottery both in the long and short term. Granite Strategic risk and opportunity management creates developing business and wise decision-making.

Clear picture of your business risks

  • Identify the risks, threats, and opportunities affecting your strategy
  • Evaluate and compare the effectiveness of different models and make data-driven decisions
  • Make your goals achievable and lead with knowledge

No more strategic blindspots

Strategic risk management turns change into opportunities, helps in forecasting, and enables corrective measures by supporting the business.

  • Create a comparable picture of your strategy’s risk and opportunity situation
  • Bring up-to-date risk information into wise decision-making and management. Take responsibility for actions with a clear follow-up process. Design activities in a purposeful and specific manner

Dynamic process under control

With Granite Strategic Risk and Opportunity Management tool you can easily followup on the process, delegate tasks and ownerships and evaluate the current situation. 

  • Manage the implementation of the strategy in a risk-aware manner, without forgetting the opportunities
  • Identify and tackle strategy bottlenecks and development targets
  • Succeed with a better decision-making framework

Book a call with our experts

We can do a short demo, set up a free trial, or simply discuss your needs.
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