Granite tools

Granite offers solutions for comprehensive development work in a standard form and customised to the customer’s needs. Agile deployments and implementations, regardless of the nature of the business.

Enterprise Risk Management

Identify, assess and manage risks comprehensively on a practical level and guide strategy implementation effectively through objectives.

Project Risk Management

Manage the risk management of projects in a standardised and agile manner on a single platform. Identify, assess and report.​

Business Continuity Management

Evaluate the critical points of your operating environment, locate the development needs and ensure the preconditions for the continuity of operations.


Create a Whistleblower Directive-compliant reporting channel, receive and process notifications in a compliant manner​

Work Risk Assessment​

Identify, assess and manage work risks and hazards according to the Finnihs Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration model.​

Safety Observations

Empower your entire organisation to monitor security threats. Receive safety findings and near-miss notifications, evaluate and define corrective measures.​​

Risk Observations and Threats

Identify, assess, and manage the risks of your operations consistently. Lead with knowledge and succeed.

Third Party Risk Management

Assess and manage the risks of your partner network and supply chains to ensure the continuity of your business.

Data breaches

A tool for processing and documenting personal data breaches in accordance with the GDPR.​

DPIA - Data Protection Impact Assessment

The purpose of the Data Protection Impact Assessment is to help to identify, assess and manage the risks inherent in the processing of personal data.

ISO/IEC 27001 Requirements & Controls

Assess the requirements of the ISO/IEC 27001 standard, create a statement of applicability, and maintain control measures.

Information Security Incidents

Involve all employees in the development of information security with an information security incident reporting channel: receive, process, develop and report.

Information Security Risks

Identify and assess the information security risks associated with your operations. Develop operating models for developing security and report the results.

Audit management

Plan and conduct audits. Document the observations, set corrective actions and monitor their execution.

Strategic Risk Management

Identify, assess, and manage the risks, threats, and opportunities of your business strategy to support effective decision-making.

DORA Security Requirements

Assess the current state of cyber security, create an action plan, and demonstrate compliance with the DORA Regulation.

Personal Data Requests

Process and document data requests for personal data in accordance with the GDPR systematically.

CSRD Double Materiality

Assess the materiality of impacts and financial aspects according to the CSRD directive. Create a comprehensive overview of ESG topics and select the right subjects for CSRD reporting.

CSRD Sustainability Reporting Management

Manage ESRS information requirements and collection of reporting data related to data points. Collect data with a verified process for sustainability reporting.

NIS2 Security Requirements

Assess the current state of information security, create an action plan, and demonstrate compliance with the NIS2 directive.

Ready for more?

Book a demo call with our experts. We can do a short demo, setup a free trial and discuss about your specific needs.