For developing information and cybersecurity

Information security

Make the challenging cyber and information security risks of your business visible and keep critical risks, functions and management methods under firm control. ISO 27001, KATAKRI or your own cybersecurity programme – with Granite, you can keep it running.

Reduce cyber risks, report in real time

Granite’s cybersecurity solutions build a mature and evolving operating culture that incorporates cyber risks into decision-making. Align your risk programme with your goals and cyber risks, identify vulnerabilities and assess business impacts while maintaining an up-to-date risk record and reporting progress to your stakeholders.

Granite's tools for cybersecurity

A well-functioning cybersecurity programme takes into account both changes and threats in the operating environment. Manage information and cybersecurity with Granite tools.

ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Controls​

Manage the controls available to your organisation and implement the plan in accordance with ISO/IEC 27001:2022, Annex A.

NIS2 Security Requirements

Assess the current state of information security, create an action plan, and demonstrate compliance with the NIS2 directive.

ISO/IEC 27001 Requirements

Manage compliance and documentation, assess the maturity level of your organisation, and address identified deviations and improvement targets. ISO/IEC 27001:2022.

DORA Security Requirements

Assess the current state of cyber security, create an action plan, and demonstrate compliance with the DORA Regulation.

Information Security Incidents

Involve all employees in the development of information security with an information security incident reporting channel: receive, process, develop and report.

Information Security Risks

Identify and assess the information security risks associated with your operations. Develop operating models for developing security and report the results.

Ready for more?

Book a demo call with our experts. We can do a short demo, setup a free trial and discuss about your specific needs.