IT and Information Security Risks
Locate vulnerabilities and identify threats, specify consistent controls and track progress with aggregated reports to proactively manage your cybersecurity situation.
The risks related to the information technology and information security of the digital business environment are critical for business continuity. Granite tools are designed for comprehensive risk management and security.
Manage and develop information security in real time
- Create a clear overview of threats and vulnerabilities by combining and comparing up-to-date information
- Find key areas for improvement and allocate resources where they are most needed
- Automate assessments and monitoring of actions, integrate development into day-to-day operations
- Communicate comprehensibly and harmonise your cyber risk management programme at all levels of the organisation
Standardised and custom features for automating your cyber risk management program
Granite risk management tools support the customer’s cybersecurity goals according to the best principles. Whether you are operating according to ISO27001, KATAKRI or your own cyber programme, Granite risk solutions are ready to ensure the continuity of your operations and enable your goals.
Identify critical targets and vulnerabilities and prioritise cyber risk management effectively
- Take control of multiple sources of information and manage your cybersecurity with information
- Identify and eliminate controls that do not effectively reduce risk
- Based on your organisation’s risk appetite, create a standardised, solid and secure cyber risk management model across the organisation
- Focus on what really matters