Business Continuity Management

Ensure the continuity of your business during disruptions and exceptional situations. Identify critical dependencies, conduct impact analyses, and manage business continuity effectively with the Granite Business Continuity Management tool.

Business Continuity Management – what is it about?

Business Continuity Management is a process through which organisations identify critical elements of their operating environment, analyse the significance of functions and systems to the business, and ensure operational continuity in normal conditions, disruptions, and exceptional situations. The goal of this process is to help organisations recognise potential disruptions, such as system outages, natural disasters, or supply chain issues, and to prepare for them in advance.

Clear Overview of Business Continuity Management

The Granite Business Continuity Management tool is designed to support organisations in ensuring business continuity. It helps identify the operating environment, perform impact analyses of critical functions and systems, and develop recovery plans for various scenarios. The tool is based on the ISO 22301 standard and enables scenario-based threat modelling, creation of contingency plans, and proactive business continuity management.

Identification of the Operating Environment

Identify the critical components and dependencies of your operations that impact business continuity during disruptions.

Impact Analysis

Analyse the significance of critical functions and systems to the business and identify potential vulnerabilities.

Contingency and Recovery Planning

Develop plans and prepare for effective recovery from identified exceptional scenarios.

Ongoing Preparedness and Testing

Ensure operational readiness and resilience with regular testing and scenario exercises.

ISO 22301-Compliant Process

Manage business continuity in accordance with the ISO 22301 standard, enhancing your organisation’s ability to respond to disruptions.

Clear Entity:

Expand usage to comprehensive risk management and ISO/IEC 27001 compliance.

With the Granite Business Continuity Management tool, organisations can effectively plan and manage business continuity, enhancing resilience and the ability to navigate through disruptions. The tool supports decision-making by providing clear and up-to-date information and integrates business continuity management into daily operations, strengthening the organisation’s capability to secure business continuity in all situations.

Book a call with our experts

We can do a short demo, set up a free trial, or simply discuss your needs.