Risk Management

Incorporate risk management into the core of your business by identifying opportunities and minimising threats. With Granite risk management solutions, you can build an evolving GRC system to manage the risks of the entire organisation on a single platform. The agile and easy-to-use tools help see the big picture and support smarter decision-making in all areas of the business.

Comprehensive risk management – what is it about?

Risk management is an integral part of the organisation’s strategic management and operations. Risk management is the process of proactive identification of risks, their systematic evaluation and effective management, and must be integrated into daily operations to support the achievement of strategic goals.

Meet stakeholders’ expectations

With Granite’s risk management tools, you ensure that your organisation’s risk management is systematic and transparent. Our tools support the identification of risks, their prioritisation and the implementation of action plans so that risks are under control and the organisation’s goals are achieved. Automated monitoring and reporting enable real-time utilisation of risk information in decision-making, and documentation is easily available for external auditing and verification. Granite not only meets risk management requirements, but also raises your organisation’s risk management culture to a new level, improving business continuity and stakeholder trust.

Granite's tools for risk management and reporting

Enterprise Risk Management

Identify, assess and manage risks comprehensively on a practical level and guide strategy implementation effectively through objectives.

Project Risk Management

Manage project risks in a standardised and agile manner on a single platform. Identify, assess and report.

Audit management

Plan and conduct audits. Document observations, set corrective actions and monitor their execution.

Risk Observations and Threats

Identify, assess, and manage the risks of your operations consistently. Lead with knowledge and succeed.

Work Risk Assessment​

Identify, assess and manage work risks and hazards according to the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration model.

Strategic Risk and Opportunity Management

Identify, assess, and manage the risks, threats, and opportunities of your business strategy to support effective decision-making.

Third Party Risk Management

Assess and manage risks of your partner network and supply chains to ensure the continuity of your business.

Book a call with our experts

We can do a short demo, set up a free trial, or simply discuss your needs.